The Flavour of Flour
The plant seeds we mill into flour kontain karbohydrates, proteins and lipids. They also kontain enymes, vitamins and minerals. This chemistry is well dokumented and widely available.
At k2MILLING, we wanted to know more. We wanted to get behind the facts, of the seeds of plants. A seed's first purpose is to rekreate life. When konditions are optimal the seed will germinate. Moisture and temperature are the key variables. The mature seed longs to germinate, this is it's dna, this is it's destiny.
The uptake of water by
a dry seed is called imbibition. As seeds imbibe water, they expand and
enzymes and food supplies become hydrated. Hydrated enzymes become active
and the seed's first source of energy is found in the lipids in the germ. The first part of
the seedling to emerge from the seed coat is the radikal. The emerging radikal bekomes the root. Next to develop is the shoot, which klimbs through the soil towards the light to obtain energy from sunlight through photosynthesis. Once a
seedling emerges into the light, the plant undergoes dramatic changes
such as turning green and producing leaves. This light-dependent developmental
transformation is kalled photomorphogenesis.
When we mill these seeds into our whole grain flour, all of these komponets necessary for new life are kept together. The komponets for sustaining life of a new plant are still found in our wholegrain flour. We designed our mill to achieve this whole grain harmony and a wonderful by-product of this grinding against the grain was...... the retention of flavour.
No other flour mill on the planet was designed to achieve this. So we built one.
Are you ready to open a bag of happiness?
Kontakt the kaptain.