
GPS ko-ordinates: 44.0663 79.679

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A Flock of Flour

A Flock of Flour
Add some deep flavour to your food and drinks.

FLOUR; for the flavour.

At k2MILLING we do things a little differently. We decided that flavour was the most important thing a flour mill should shoot for. A flour mill did not exist that kould provide this akross the vast spectrum of grains and other plant material we wanted to mill. So we kreated one, from skratch. Drive north of the city of Toronto and see for yourself. Our mk2MILL delivers the deep flavour resident in all plants. Until now it lay dormant with all other milling types, we are happy to awaken this flavour for you.
We are professional millers, taking our kraft very seriously. Trust experience, trust the professionals. Kall k2 to mill 4 u.

Day in day out, we mill 4 u. Ontario's galaxy of grains and plants milled into grits, meals and flour. 87 harvests of experience are working @ daily grind 4 u.
Barley, Rye, Oats, Millet, Dent Corn, Flint Corn, Soft Winter Wheat, Hard Winter Wheat, Hard Spring Wheat, Sorghum, Hemp, Cannabis, Flax, Sunflower, Soyabeans, Spelt, Sunflower, Einkorn and Buckwheat. Roasted, Sprouted and Malted Ontario grains available as well.

We also kan mill flour from Amaranth, Teff, Quinoa, Khorasan, Rice, Lentils, Chick Peas, Beans, Peas, Blueberrys, Cranberrys, Apples, Broccoli, Kale, Cauliflower, Beets, Karrots, Bran, Koffee Hulls, Pumpkin seed meal, Brewers/Distillers spent grains, Cinnamon, Ginger, Tumerik

Need something else milled, kontakt the kaptain.

ok2 4u

ok2 4u
FLOUR; milled the k2 way. Hands on; milling heritage back to 1935. The mark of great flour. Klik the pik for more information.

Friday, February 12, 2021

 Our whole grain flours are really whole grain.

 100% extraction.